Category Lifestyle

‘The Tina Edit’ is one of the best lifestyle blogs in India and among the leading parenting blogs, India. Read reviews in various lifestyle category products, insights on the parenting journey to date, for health tips, and more.


There are some vices that are actually blessing in disguise. I know it´s embarrassing to share a couple of them with the world here. But hey, everything in moderation is good right? That´s what my mother used to tell me…

Hichki is a breath of fresh air

Seriously, Hichki is a good Hindi movie in such a long time. When movies like Hichki come your way, it is like a breath of fresh air from the tiresome substandard Bollywood masala films. The plot Naina Mathur is plagued…

Let´s talk blogging

5 highs in my blogging journey The humble beginnings:  I started my first blog back in 2006 (much before I was married) when the whole concept of blogging was almost alien in India. I remember my first high when I…