Yesterday Once More – Flash Fiction



She looked in the mirror hard and touched her freshly sprouted hair.

Nicholas and Karen thought they knew what love meant until then! Until that moment when they had to fulfil their vows.

He entered the kitchen for the first time in his life. For Karen! He bathed, clothed, cooked, fed, carried and tucked her in bed.

Nicholas fell truly, madly, deeply in love with his wife all over again. Yes, including her bald head! No, Especially her bald head!

Detected with Cancer early this year, Karen discovered more than just her hair at the end of it. Marking their 25th wedding anniversary today, they read aloud their vows to each other one more time.

´I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honour you all the days of my life.´

(Word Count: 146)

Linking up  with Tina and Mayuri for #FridayFotoFiction.


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Tina Sequeira
Tina Sequeira is a marketer and moonlighting writer. She is passionate about tech, creativity, and social justice—dabbling in and writing about the same.

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    • Such a beautiful and touching story. The meaning of true love. But not everyone stays with their spouse when their appearance change due to cancer. When you fall in love with someone, it should be with their heart not how they look. I have a family member who had breast cancer and she removed both breast. Then her husband just left her . But thank God she has loving family that are always there for her.😘😘😘😘😘

      • I know what you mean, Hanan! An ailment or sickness is sadly looked down upon society as a curse or a handicap of some sort. Forgetting conveniently, we will all succumb to some illness or the other someday and eventually die. It is sad the husband left your friend…but these are times when love is truly tested…Financial downs, chronic health issues and times of professional failure. Keep reading and thank so much for sharing your thoughts. Love and Hugs!

    • Thank you so much for your encouraging words, Cheryl! Firstly, it is such a pleasant surprise to see you here. A warm welcome to my blog. I have written a book review of your ebook for A to Z challenge. You will find it in here in the Book review category. 🙂 No, I havent yet heard of the six word challenge as yet. Would love to know more if you can share the details with me. Thank you so much! Keep stopping by and reading! Love and God Bless!

  1. When I saw this prompt I was a little confused as to how to start. That’s why I came here to read take on the prompt. And as I presumed, you did it so well Tina!
    I used to write 6-word story as a tweet only when I started writing. It was a great practice too.

    • Hi Geethica! So nice to see you in here. Thank you so much for those generous words of appreciation.I´m glad you liked and connected with it. Do try this prompt…everyone has a different way of looking at things. I would love to read your take on this one. 6 word sure seems very challenging but I am intrigued with the idea. Would love to attempt it. Keep stopping by and reading! Hugs!

    • Hi Shamik! Firstly, a warm welcome to my blog. Thank you so much for the appreciation. I´m glad you liked this story. This is Micro fiction and the story has to be under 150 words. Happy that you connected with it. Keep stopping by and reading! Cheers!

  2. This is beautiful and a great take on the photo prompt. You have captured the essence of love, marriage, and commitment in these 150 words.

    • Hi Neha! Thank you so much! Exactly, you surmised it so well. Absolutely, marriage is sacred for a reason because love is supposed to be pure, divine, unconditional and timeless. So glad you felt the same way I did when I was penning this story down. Keep stopping by! Cheers!

    • Hi Paresh! Thank you so much..I´m glad you liked this one. So sweet for the wishes…I loved your writeup on your grandmother..that was very sweet and I was moved by your post. Keep writing and stopping by here as well. Cheers!

    • Hi Keerthi! Thank you so much for appreciating this one and I´m glad you liked it. Yes, the conclusion has romance written all over it though the vows…read again. Yesterday once more! 🙂

  3. All you guys who take part in this #FridayFotoFiction.. you are amazing… Thanks Tina for such a wonderful story in so limited words.. 😍😍😍

    • Hi Adi! Wow, thanks so much for your generous words of praise for all of us participants. You are indeed most kind and encouraging. I love your poetry as well and this is so rare…regional poetry and you take the pains to translate them for wider reach. Keep going and stopping by as well. Cheers!

    • HI Shalini! Thank you so much, my dear! Wow! That is true love if you ask me…when the going is rough, and you go out of our comfort zone for the one you love. I´m glad you could connect so well to this story and Love can conquer any mountain:) Keep reading! Love and God Bless!

    • Hi Sara! Firstly a warm welcome to my blog. I´m glad this is your first read here. As a writer, I am personally very proud of how this story turned out. Can you feel the love tonight? Absolutely..It has romance written all over it 🙂 Keep reading! Love and Cheers!

    • Hey Mahak! Firstly a warm welcome to my blog. So good to see you in here. I am glad you think so. Thank you so much..:).I know most made the two characters guys…brotherly, paternal, homosexual sort of love angle to it. This was the only heterosexual story in the series..I think 🙂 So glad, it was different and yet something everyone could relate to. Keep stopping by! Cheers!

    • Hi Tina! Always loved how sharp and observant you are! Yes, signs of a very good man indeed….of being raised well or right. My pleasure linking this up with #FridayFotoFiction and thank you so much for picking this as the winning story along with Akshata´s. Hugs!

    • Hi Mayuri! Thank you so much, my dear! I am truly glad this story in particular won. This one is really special to me. I love writing for your prompts…It´s fun and challenging to say the least! Love and Hugs!

    • Hi Corinne! So lovely to have you here and comment. Thank you so much for wonderful appreciation. Wow….66 years of marriage is simply blessed….they are great role models of what love ought to be. Need more such good souls…esp in the world we currently live in today! Will call you soon…..:) Love and Hugs!

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