Why Target And Judge Women Drinking When The Focus Should Be On Drinking Responsibly


There’s so much taboo around women drinking alcohol. Even today, in some circles. 

I can speak only about my experiences. I’m fortunate to have grown around people, especially women, who have a healthy attitude towards alcohol. 

Born in a typical Syrian Christian family, my first taste of alcohol came sweetly disguised in the rich plum fruit cake for Christmas time. I must have been a child, around 5-6 years. I’d watch with curiosity the red red wine served in the Sunday homily. I’d tip-toe into the priest’s room, and open the almirah, searching for the unblessed hosts and wine. I think I got lucky to taste them too. I loved the taste of both. Especially the wine. All the major events in the Church involve wine, representative of the blood of Christ. Be it our First Holy Communion or Matrimony or the Mass. 

It was my father who first introduced me to alcohol. It somehow percolates in our culture at home or church. Beyond alcohol, I firmly believe in having an open and transparent relationship with your parents and children. Trust is key in any relationship.

Our family gatherings were a whole lot of fun when I saw my mother and her five sisters, let their hair down and have an alcoholic beverage of their choice. Some liked beer, some gin, some vodka, some cognac, some champagne, and one didn’t touch alcohol, even after being coaxed a zillion times. They drank in front of us, children, and spoke their hearts out. Their animated stories and banter intrigued and enthralled us, before we all danced into the wee hours of the morning. There wasn’t a single ugly incident when they drank alcohol. 

While there was no sermonising, my mom and aunts taught me a lot by example, including being open-minded, free-spirited, and drinking responsibly. Everything’s good when done with awareness and responsibility.

*This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon 2023

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Tina Sequeira
Tina Sequeira is a marketer and moonlighting writer. She is passionate about tech, creativity, and social justice—dabbling in and writing about the same.

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