We Are The Virus, And Corona Is The Vaccine


For the last few months, I’ve been on the grind and craving a slowdown. Life seemed to be this never-ending loop of tasks and endless deadlines to be met. Sleep took a backseat, as did exercise. To say that I was a living zombie would be an understatement.

I was telling my husband that this weekend, I just want to sleep it out. Sleep all day and night. But, I know that there is a thing called the ‘Sleep debt’ and no amount of catching up on sleep later can undo the harm of the lost sleep hours.

I’m grateful for the lockdown. In the larger scheme of things, we’ve not only abused ourselves, but also the planet. In this mad rush of life!

We need to slow down. Yes, the economy included. It’s no longer the privilege vs. non-privilege debate anymore. We will all go down if we do not slow down. Look at the damage we’ve done. There’s so much stress that we’ve inflicted upon ourselves and our children – physical, emotional, and mental of the worst kind. It’s time to reboot!

I’m proud of how India is choosing to handle the #coronaviruspandemic. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi chose to stay calm and optimistic in the face of a storm in his recent TV address. That sense of assurance along with caution is what is needed at this point to calm frazzled nerves. His underlying message seemed to be this: ‘Everything will be fine! We are in this together. We will sail through come what may!’

Compare this to UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson’s approach. He didn’t ask his citizens to stay at home. Instead, he proposed The Theory of Herd Immunity. Even though scientifically unproven, he went ahead with it. Today, the UK is facing the brunt. He admitted that his theory was a failure.

Unity in Diversity is our vaccine against the #Coronavirus. Everyone is being kind and considerate now irrespective of their race, religion, and economic class. It’s a befitting lesson to mankind.

We are in this together. Let’s stay at home, and reboot until the dark clouds of this virus move past us. Corona is not the biggest threat that humankind has ever faced. We shall overcome this virus. I’m sure. What’s most important, though, is the lesson we learn from this entire episode.

Mother Earth will thank us!

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Tina Sequeira
Tina Sequeira is a marketer and moonlighting writer. She is passionate about tech, creativity, and social justice—dabbling in and writing about the same.

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