


There are some vices that are actually blessing in disguise. I know it´s embarrassing to share a couple of them with the world here. But hey, everything in moderation is good right? That´s what my mother used to tell me when I went on a strict diet in my 20s and would avoid all the bad foods. I don´t diet anymore and so, nothing is off limits. Life´s simpler, I´ve learnt when you allow room for some bad in your life as well. 

So, let me do the honours and share five of my vices that I am thankful for.  *Drum roll *

  1. Gossip – I know gossip is evil. It´s useless and even destructive. One of my New Year resolutions is to stay away from gossip. But, I do indulge in some harmless gossip on the side. I love to catch up on silly Bollywood insider stories, ´who said what?’, eavesdrop into the neighour´s fights sometimes, chit chat on the phone with a friend about the day´s taaza sansati khabar. Like a cup of coffee, a little gossip can add some kick in your life. But, in strict moderation only, huh!
  2. Window shopping – Shopping is the definition of heaven for woman. I find it a stress buster simply walking into any store or stall, checking out what´s on sale, having a conversation with the salesperson, trying some samples etc . I might not buy anything but I like the whole exercise of window shopping. The practise of window shopping makes you a smart shopper. You learn to compare the prices at different stores, are aware of the best deals and know how to strike a good bargain.
  3. Snooping – My brother jokes that the I should be in the FBI for all my snooping skills. I know that we´ve been taught as kids to mind our own business. But, if it were not for snooping, we wouldn´t have great detectives and masterminds in the first place. Not that, I´m calling myself one. Besides, nowadays, I sugarcoat and call all my snooping activities as ´Research´. Coming to think of it again, it is actually research. *winks*
  4. Surfing: Much has been said about online addictions. And, there´s truth to it. But, when you are writing, you need to be out there. Surf, snoop oops research, discover, network, promote and more. Had it not been for my surfing habits, I wouldn’t have made it this far as a writer/blogger. I wouldn´t be a part of this wonderful blogging community or even challenge.
  5. Nawabi habits – Hyderabad is known for its ´Chalta hai´ attitude and slow life style. They call it the Nawab Andaaz. So yes, the Nawabi habits have rubbed on me having lived in Hyderabad for so many years. I like to march to the tune of my own drumbeats. I live in a world where I am the Queen of my own life. And, it has worked in my favour so far. Tension nahi lena ka aur zindagi mast jeene ka.

Did you enjoy the article? What are some of your vices that your are thankful for. I would love to know.

(Author´s Note: This is written for the #SuperBloggerChallenge2018 #Instacuppa hosted by and The challenge is from 15 Feb – 26 April 2018. This article is based on based on some of the prompts for Week 5. This article should not be re purposed, republished or use otherwise. The content herein is owned by the blogger but some of the images shown may be subject to copyright. SuperBloggerChallenge2018 is not responsible for any infringement caused.)


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Tina Sequeira
Tina Sequeira is a marketer and moonlighting writer. She is passionate about tech, creativity, and social justice—dabbling in and writing about the same.

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  1. My vices are more on the gluttony and sloth side of the spectrum 🙂

    Of course, the other 5 prime vices are also there… just that those 2 are in excess!

    • Oh count me in the group too, Dr. Roshan…I´ve given up on will-power is terrible when it comes to Oh these are just a few vices..there are so many 🙂 Thanks for stopping by..always nice to hear from you. 🙂

  2. Glad to know the lighter side of our Tina. I doubt with your job, family and all this writing you would get that kind of time. Expecting a gossip call soon. 🙂

    • Hahaha…Yes, Rakhi! I know …especially these last few months of the academic year…caught up in exam fever. Will call next week for sure 🙂 So nice to receive a comment from you after so long. 🙂

  3. Honestly, I too am fond of gossiping within limits of course. You know women have always been stereotyped as the ones who are given to gossiping. I have seen any number of men who are keenly interested in everything and everyone gossip endlessly. We do build myths, don’t we? Women gossip, women talk too much and so on. Men have to be brave and men are not supposed to enter the kitchen. There is no end to it. I wonder where all this stereotyping originates from. I love my vices. I loved smoking too but unfortunately, my body did not and had other ideas. So it was quits to smoking eighteen years back. Good article. Loved it.

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