The future isn’t scary!

Are you—in lockdown—too?
Then that’ll make the two of us!
Shush! They’ll pimp us to war!
Artificial intelligence—Transhumanism
The future is not scary—
We are—the virus—

Where are you, Father?
Your gentle rod—
In death, I fly—
Lead me to the Light—
Ah, the Sky—the Winds—
May I spread my wings—Today—
And we embrace as One!
(Note: Tina’s poem ‘The future isn’t scary!’ featured alongside the world’s best contemporary poets on ‘The HyperTexts,’ founded by Michael.R. Burch, an award-winning American poet and a five-time Pushcart Prize nominee.
Oxford University called The HyperTexts “dynamic and challenging” with a “different approach” to poetry on its ARCH resource page for the Arts & Humanities.
The HyperTexts don’t seek submissions, unlike other literary journals. Michael. R. Burch discovered, reached out to, selected, and edited Tina’s poems for The HyperTexts, a hugely popular American online poetry journal that gets over 2 million hits annually.)