More quick reviews of the recent movie flicks I saw in the very recent past
Dumb and Dumber To (2014): The ‘King of Comedy’ is BACK. Jim Carrey is at his usual comedic best as always. Effortlessly goofy, Carrey along Daniels makes sure you cringe in disgust and laugh out loud simultaneously as you join them in this wacky ride of a flick. It’s classic slapstick comedy. Think ‘Charlie Chaplin’, ‘Laurel and Hardy’, ‘The Three Stooges’ and the likes. If you appreciate old-school comedy like me, this flick is for you. Simply leave your brains in your behind for a couple of hours and enjoy. Jim Carrey, you totally rock!
CONS: If cerebral comedy is your kind a la Russell Peters, ‘The Big Bang Theory’ etc, look the other way. If you don’t mind some dumb, slapstick fun, go for it unapologetically. Duh!
Interstellar (2014): I have very mixed feelings about this one. I wish I could say great things about this movie. I could really sense this was a novel story waiting to come alive on screen. But alas, as a movie-goer, the movie failed to hold my attention or interest after an hour of going nowhere into space endlessly. I’m sure Nolan himself would secretly agree that this is not his best work. For me, it looked like they tried to get too ambitious with this project while not paying attention to the basics. I have no idea why they chose to drag this 1-dimensional storyline (pun intended) into a 2 hr 50 mins movie. Ahem! Some crisp editing would have worked wonders. Couple that with bad dialogues, sleepy-weepy actors, unwanted characters that distract your attention rather than hold it. Way more enjoyable, fascinating and thrilling is the much lesser known, low-key budget Sci-Fi movie ‘The Signal’.
CONS: Ill-fitting star cast/ shoddy acting, unnecessary characters in the plot, poor dialogues, low emotional quotient and the length of the movie.
Gone girl (2014): A few minutes down the movie, Hubby and I were almost about to get up and leave. Glad, we decided otherwise. Have patience for the first 15 mins and the movie grips your interest till the end with all it’s bizarre twists and turns. The star of the show is undoubtedly, Rosamund Pike. She overshadows them all with her seriously competitive acting skills. She sinks her teeth into the character and plays every shade of innocence and eery phenomenally. Surely, Ms. Pike is the creme de le creme and is here to stay for a very, very, very long time.
CONS: That’s fine. Just go see it.
Night crawler (2014): Again, a unique story exploring the ruthless, competitive face of news reporting. Set in the dark, mysterious after-hours of Los Angeles, is a psyochopath news reporter hungry for sinister stories and action, preys and control. Jake Gyllenhal is almost unrecognizable, a far cry from his hunky look and endearing role in the ‘Prisoners’. Here, he’s detestable, slightly off putting with his shrunken weight and cocky attitude. His serious depravity and psychopathic streak is latent underneath those needy, sympathetic (read deprived) puppy-dog eyes. In one word, he looks HUNGRY. After I saw the movie, I happened to read an interview of Jake Gyllenhal where he describes his character in the movie as a ‘Human Coyote’. It made perfect sense.