Book Review Of ‘The Power Within’ By Geethica Mehra



Geethica Mehra´s book – The Power Within is an honest outpouring of the author´s heart. I met Geethica via the A to Z Blogging Challenge 2017 and found pleasantly that we shared a similar value system. Most of our thoughts mirrored each others.

So, let me get down quickly to the book review without giving away too many spoilers.

I really liked the way the first chapter on Achievement was written. The fine line between achievement and greed was aptly dealt with. In the author´s words herself –

´When there is no peace inside you but the urge to be at the top. There is no finish line for such people but only a road leading to nowhere.´

One big underlying theme of this whole book is God. It is the power within the author´s soul as she mentions the importance of God and gratitude in many chapters in the book. In the chapter, ´Belief´, Geethica talks about her own personal experience when she had struggles with self-belief and how she overcame it. She finds solace in Gandhi´s words.

´When God solves your problems, you believe in his abilities. When God does not solve your problems, he believes in your abilities. ´ 

In the chapter ´Courage´, she talks about her personality going through a major transformation as she went from being a shy, timid person to an immensely courageous woman today.

The concept of Death is touched upon in the chapters ´Detachment´ and ´Longetivity´. The author is a strong believer of ´Letting go´ and accepting the inevitable changes in one´s life. She finds her answer in Buddha´s words

´The root of suffering is attachment.´

But, the author also emphasizes the importance of relationships in one´s life in the Chapter on Encouragement. She explains the need for marriage and religion/spirituality in this chapter. Her concept of ´God´ is unique. She doesn’t think going to religious places and making offerings is going to please God in any way if you abandon your parents who looked after you when you were young. Her concept of religion or serving God is serving one´s parents. A simple and beautiful thought which echoes the ´Charity begins at home´ principle.

Geethica´s thoughts on Independence is a must-read especially in the current modern age we live in. Independence should make us humble and not arrogant. She also says that no one can survive being all alone. In her words –

´Our independence should be helpful to the society first, which in turn, makes our life successful. You cannot survive all alone just with your independence. You need another man to admire you and encourage you.´

Geethica´s A to Z Challenge Blogs were one of my favourites to visit during the blogging challenge because the greenery nature picture was so inviting, lush and serene. It was a real joy to just visit, take in the sight and read her positive thoughts everyday. I really loved her A to Z Challenge blogposts. The ebook I personally felt lacked that surreal feeling in design which was rampant in her blogging challenge posts even though the image is exactly the same. Maybe it has to do with the font, the layout or something else… but the it didn’t have the same ´Wow´factor as her A to Z challenge blogposts did for me.

This book will be lapped up by readers with a religious or spiritual bent of mind. It might not resonate with the atheists and agnostics unless they are open to reading all kinds of viewpoints. But, I guess the author is being honest and has a clear target audience. For those who have ears, let them listen!

Overall, the book is a lovely, simple and straightforward read sans any gimmicks. The author, Geethica Mehra comes across as a positive, deep, tolerant and humble woman who chooses to see the good in everybody and everything. These strikingly beautiful qualities reflect in her book ´The Power Within´.

#AmReviewing #BlogchatterEbook

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Tina Sequeira
Tina Sequeira is a marketer and moonlighting writer. She is passionate about tech, creativity, and social justice—dabbling in and writing about the same.

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