Book Review of ‘Life´s Magic’ by Tomichan Matheikel



“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci

This iconic quote is apt to describe ´Life´s Magic´ written by Tomichan Matheikel. Tomichan´s writing style is impeccable – simple, clear, concise and elegant. The book is a joy to read and will leave you inspired and enlightened in more ways than one.

I love the genre of non-fiction books. In fact, I must confess that my leanings in the last few years have been towards non-fiction books – self-help, philosophical, educational and more. In sharp contrast, reading fiction was my breather in childhood years much like an ostrich, whose head is buried in sand most of the time. Having said that, I have read many non-fiction books in this genre by famed international authors. Be it Oprah Winfrey, Gretchen Rubin, Robin Sharma. There are so many big name celebrity authors in this niche non-fiction genre of motivation/inspiration.

´Life´s Magic´ by Tomichan Matheikel has an international flair to it. Tomichan aces the game like a veteran. His insights range from literature, philosophy, religion, spirituality, science, art and politics. ´Life´s Magic´ is a book that I personally believe should get published in print. I hope the author writes more such inspiring gems. It would be interesting to see Tomichan Matheikel become a motivational speaker given his prolific knowledge, wisdom and offbeat insights.

The book begins with ´Abracadabra´, a chapter that focuses on the magical powers of attitude.

´Bliss´ is all about crazy courage and perseverance despite all odds.

´Chiquitita´ is a sweet personal account of the author on how he composed his new song for the first time. It´s certainly not about song writing and composition per se as is about picking yourself up and marching on.

In ´Distortations´, the author challenges us to question our long standing personal and societal truths.

The author shows us the various layers & depths to his personality in ´Enlightenment´. The thoughts shared by the author in this chapter are gracious, humble and noble as he talks about being accommodative and inclusive in the world we live in.

The chapter ´Finesse´ is the remedy for the kind of world we live in. In an age of selfies and instant self-gratification, Tomichan touches upon the delicate nuances of finesse.

´Gyrate´ is about the importance of taking risks and having the courage to do so.

´Holon´ is another beautiful chapter that has altruism at the centre of its heart.

´Integrity´ is highly inspirational as it presents us with the bitter sweet reality that life is hard and one should be prepared to be knocked down several times. The chapter is about finding your whole, by picking up all the broken fragments, after life´s setbacks.

I had no idea about the origin of the name of my birthday month in the chapter ´Janus´. Apart from such interesting trivia, I liked how the author connected the Roman God Janus and his double headed physical image to an important life-lesson.

´Knowledge and Folly´ is an incisive insight on wisdom, which the author says in all earnestness, is folly.

´Love´s Dilemma´is a much welcome detour that heads straight into the matters of the heart.

´Meaning of Life´talks about finding hope, courage and meaning in our lives through our choices.

´Neurosis´ doesn´t just happen to be an amusing outlook of the world but also a brutal dissection of it and its´ inhabitants.

In an era of fake news, ´Overcome´ comes as a powerful reminder of our collective strength. I loved the anti-establishment sentiment expressed unabashedly by the author and his argument against fighting those power-hungry forces as an awakened collective.

´Paradigm shift´ is about questioning our belief systems and looking beyond what´s preached or perceived as the truth for some plausible answers.

´Quest´ is another brilliant chapter that is profoundly wise. I loved the underbelly of humour when the author compares the respective quests of Keats and St.Augustine.

The author takes us again into his personal life in the chapter titled ´Religion´. He speaks honestly about his trysts with Christianity, his views on religion and the quote at the end of the chapter shows his leaning towards a scientific temperament.

The worldly-wise chapter ´Secret´ is marvellously written and the author deserves a bow for the style in which he makes his case.

´Thinking´ comes as an encouraging reminder of the potent power of our thoughts and to use them wisely for our benefit and others.

In ´Unfinished Business´, the author urges us to be proactive about changing our lives by dealing with the thorns in our lives first.

There is a grim reality check in ´Values´ on the eroding state of affairs in the modern generation.

´Words´ is beautifully written by the author, showing us yet again, what a wizard he truly is when it comes to serious word craft.

´Xanadu´ is another interesting personal account of the author´s view of paradise. I loved reading his interpretation of the word.

´Yes To Reality´ has an intellectual flavour to it that commands the readers´ respect for the author organically.

The author signs off his finale chapter ´Zenith´ with a ´style meets substance´ aplomb.

The book will enthral you with its elegance, simplicity and depth of thoughts. There are twenty six brief chapters that come loaded with nuggets of knowledge, wisdom and sharp insights.

I highly recommend ´Life´s Magic´ as a must-read for everyone. It would make a fabulous gift for a loved one. Do not miss this one!

You can download the book for free for a limited time period only here:

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Tina Sequeira
Tina Sequeira is a marketer and moonlighting writer. She is passionate about tech, creativity, and social justice—dabbling in and writing about the same.

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