Bhumi – My debut fiction book



Bhumi was a dream in 2017. It is now a sweet reality.

Last year, I decided to debut into fiction with womanhood as the central theme. At that point of time, I did not know what the stories would be or how my characters would look like. Today, its all crystal clear as I have 26 diverse stories in the form of ´Bhumi´.

Thanks to the #AtoZChallenge and #BlogchatterEBook Carnival, I feel like a proud mother today. ´Bhumi´ is my baby and I could not be more proud to share her with you.

Before I share the link, I would like to thank my family, friends, fellow writers and editors without whom ´Bhumi´ would have never seen the light of the day. You have been an integral part of this journey and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your love, support, opportunities and critical feedback.

You can download the book for free (yes, you read that right) for a limited time period only below. So, HURRY and download the book NOW! 🙂…/bhumi-by-tina-sequeira/

With ´Bhumi´ in your hands, you can read 26 short stories at leisure at your comfortable pace. You can pick and begin from any chapter in the book because each chapter is a complete story by itself.

Hope you enjoy ´Bhumi´ just as much as I enjoyed writing it for your pleasure. Happy reading and I would love to know your thoughts on this one.


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Tina Sequeira
Tina Sequeira is a marketer and moonlighting writer. She is passionate about tech, creativity, and social justice—dabbling in and writing about the same.

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